Bruxelas, Bélgica. Julho, 2005."The problems the designers have tried to face is real. It is vital that we discover the property of old towns which gave them life and get it back into our own artificial cities. But we cannot do this merely by remarkng English villages, Italian Piazzas and Grand Central Stations. Too many designers today seem to be yearning for the physical and plastic characteristics of the past, instead of searching for the abstract ordering principle which the towns of the past happened to have, and which our modern conceptions of the city have not yet found."(Christopher Alexander, The city is not a tree, 1965.)A idéia foi do Leo, já que eu, na implosão do meu "dogmatismo", já não estava vendo muita coisa mais com clareza. E a vontade de encarar isso no TFG me fez procurar o texto e lê-lo novamente. E como bateu tanta coisa!...